It sounds like you need a hug

My Ego And Me

It’s never a good sign when you’re crying before 8.30am whilst making your beloved’s sandwiches. I was pretty excited about my day off work AND a teachers strike at school meant that there was no school run, and the possibilities for today were open.

For some reason, even though they sleep in every other WEEKDAY
(NOTE: weekends are somehow different) and we struggle to get out the door for school, TODAY, the little two were awake well before 7am, and I think it had something to do with one or the other falling out of bed, and an ensuing racket. Soon, little two were in my bed, scratching their heads, and so began the bane of motherhood.

Nit treatment. At 7.30am. Followed by combing with fine toothed combs through thick blonde hair, of two children who screech like they are being murdered. Unfortunately the murderous metal comb is the only…

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